the thing is..i really don't not that bitter over the years that i spent valentines either with friends or just by myself, i really don't care..its just like any other day. a normal day for me aside from the many hassle of seeing people roam the streets hand in hand bearing bouquet of flowers and what nots everywhere...even the vendors roam the school grounds selling roses, choklets, dolls and're blocking the sidewalk mister kindly remove that bucket full of dilapidated roses from the cemetery...that's not nice hehe...and then there is a whole lot of mushy mushy tunes that raves the airwaves...retelling everyone that it is valentines day..."please sit back and unwind for the next tune is dedicate to the lovers that hails from (*insert place here) namely (*insert guy's name here or watever sort of endearment they call for each other) and (*same goes for the girl)..then *insert mushy tune here* hah! like i ker.
aside from the sidewalk monstrosity, mostly everywhere you go you would ought to find something with symbolics things ...paper cut out decorations, hanging shout outs of some sort, tarpaulins, banners and even people( im talking about the workers) dressing up for the occasion..well isn't that exciting?a valentine themed place for us to dine but we cant make out here maybe lets try the theater or something haha.. a valentine themed place thats been oozing for a month long maybe two (you can't put aside the pre valentines and the post valentines cant you?) oh i seem to forgot the valentine themed movies and the likes haha. everybody who is everybody knew and you don't? wth is that!?!? its like you miss forever dude..or so they say. well im not buying that whole lovey dovey crap that artists do just for the movie to sell wherein fact you knew that they are artists...its what they do..its what the're putting a hell lot of effort for..for them to earn. and for them to get attention. waw its like a bloody battle royale of whose loveteam shall last! be it dingdong-marian, kc-richard or piolo-angel, or even the unlikely tandem of sarah-john lloyd...(*basta ako pops and martin pa rin. haha) i mean i really have no issue for watever crap they want to sell..its like every romance movie has its own formula. they fight, they cry, there are the pasweety-tweety tums thing, the awful choreography and then the singing...great beard of zeus! that really is one annoying thing about it. well unless what you are watching is a musical then heck with the singing for that's what you will expect.
im kinda feeling my valentine-grinch feeling overwhelming now..seriously. well boo hoo for me to have not enjoy the day or night or watever for this occasion has to offer. i may find it overrated at some point but nonetheless it wouldn't kill for others to enjoy it. well just do it. just don't let me join you haha or you wouldn't like it. as i searched the net for something interesting i would like to give you all a hate letter :D im hoping you would find it interesting too.
aside from the sidewalk monstrosity, mostly everywhere you go you would ought to find something with symbolics things ...paper cut out decorations, hanging shout outs of some sort, tarpaulins, banners and even people( im talking about the workers) dressing up for the occasion..well isn't that exciting?a valentine themed place for us to dine but we cant make out here maybe lets try the theater or something haha.. a valentine themed place thats been oozing for a month long maybe two (you can't put aside the pre valentines and the post valentines cant you?) oh i seem to forgot the valentine themed movies and the likes haha. everybody who is everybody knew and you don't? wth is that!?!? its like you miss forever dude..or so they say. well im not buying that whole lovey dovey crap that artists do just for the movie to sell wherein fact you knew that they are artists...its what they do..its what the're putting a hell lot of effort for..for them to earn. and for them to get attention. waw its like a bloody battle royale of whose loveteam shall last! be it dingdong-marian, kc-richard or piolo-angel, or even the unlikely tandem of sarah-john lloyd...(*basta ako pops and martin pa rin. haha) i mean i really have no issue for watever crap they want to sell..its like every romance movie has its own formula. they fight, they cry, there are the pasweety-tweety tums thing, the awful choreography and then the singing...great beard of zeus! that really is one annoying thing about it. well unless what you are watching is a musical then heck with the singing for that's what you will expect.
im kinda feeling my valentine-grinch feeling overwhelming now..seriously. well boo hoo for me to have not enjoy the day or night or watever for this occasion has to offer. i may find it overrated at some point but nonetheless it wouldn't kill for others to enjoy it. well just do it. just don't let me join you haha or you wouldn't like it. as i searched the net for something interesting i would like to give you all a hate letter :D im hoping you would find it interesting too.
1 "The great love that I have for you
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend."
love nots
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend."
*This is a love letter from a boy to a girl.. however, the girl's father does not like the boy and want them to stop seeing each other. and so knowing that the girl's father will definitely read the letter he told the girl to read only the odd numbers. well originally it was read between the lines..i assume he wrote it in a piece of paper wherein the ones in the odd numbers were placed in the spaces and the rest were in the lines get it? if you still don't then i may ask you to go ahead buy a piece of rope and tie it around your neck to ease the suffering
but what the heck is this for?? im just being fair. as i said it wouldn't kill me to at least nag and whine about my so called grouchy valentines day
(*credit goes to baby cramqueencharliebee)
love nots
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