hey hope you can come to another night of music
. It will occur at Freedom Bar Anonas QC on december 13, 2008 and would start at 6pm.
invite your friends! support 10cm hehe
The Gig is on saturday!
In The Events To Follow
why not try to look on the dark side of things?
yes you read it right. look on the dark side. when i say dark side i mean the bad side of things. the negative. the ugly, the blah.. and whatsoever. The bright side, knowing that it boost your morale, strengthens and making you happy can be a good thing but what if all of your plans and goals didn't come to your liking? would you dare sulk in the corner and weep? do you drown your problems in alcohol?? i mean come on get a life! the alcohol won't really do you any good. it would only makes your inhibitions lighter and thus enabling you to be more stupid and would cloud your judgment making you entirely vulnerable and very useless.
then back to my point, im not saying that you should only think of the negative outcome to everything, im just saying to atleast add the negative outcomes to it. its like your getting ready for almost anything right? Try for instance having only the positive outcomes come into something before making a desicion, then comes the heartbreaking news that what you ought for may be impossible to happen. then what would you get? - disappointment. maybe regret to if you came to a point that you wish you were prepared for the worst. why did i write this up? well i was kinda pissed off with a certain event that led me into blogging this nonsense and utterly absurd and pointless lit. a waste of time if i tell you. and if you are reading this, then by all means you are bored as i am. and if you are still continuing browsing this nonsense i bet you wish you could just be looking at piolo in his underwear and laughing your @$$ off that his ding dong is bulging.. and for more amusement i will be adding chocolate to this blog in relation to Mr. D's very intriguing and i somewhat can relate to post hehe